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Home Home Décor Common Mistakes to Avoid While Doing Interior Painting

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Doing Interior Painting

Whenever I realize that the festive season is just around the corner, I am always reminded of the time last year when I was busy searching for villas in north Bangalore when house hunting. I was fortunate enough to find a great house just-in-time for the festive season renovations. One thing on top of everyone’s list is Interior painting. Even though it might be something we do once every few years, today, I am going to highlight how easily you can avoid coming house painting mistakes.

Before you start reading my blog about mistakes to avoid, I thought of briefly let you know what you need to prepare, so here are few tips for interior painting.

  1. Budgeting: Perhaps the biggest house painting advice that I have is that you need to be firm about the budget. If you are a bit tight on the budget, it’s best to phase out the paint-job activities.
  2. Help: If you have a large house then before starting Interior painting work, you need to make sure that you have enough help to complete the project.

Top House Painting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  1. Being Unprepared

Preparing and planning for the epic interior painting task that you have in front of you is a critical success factor. This can be easily done without any professional help but only if you don’t take the task lightly and are prepared for it! Making a checklist of things to buy and precautions if you have kids or pets is the first thing to do when being prepared for the paint-job.

  1. Wrong Color

The first and most important room painting advice that I can give you is that you need to be firm in the colors you want to choose. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first but trust me, once you get all things in order, you will know what colors you like and which ones you don’t. This is also likely the most expensive part of the interior painting so choosing the colors that can be mixed to form newer hues and shades will also save you a lot of cost of room painting.

  1. Over-brushing

One of the most coming paint color mistakes is over brushing, especially when you are painting on doors and furniture such as cabinets made from wood. Since paint can dry out pretty quickly, it is advised to apply paint over in the same motion a few times. Over brushing the same surface will only lead to uneven ridges and can ruin the interior painting look.

  1. Unstable Temperature

One thing that often goes unnoticed is that painting is very temperature sensitive and as a result, people often make paint color mistakes that prove costly. Cold weather can easily ruin the latex paint hence it’s important to have an abundant amount of latex caulk when you are painting. Similarly, doing interior painting when the weather is too hot can also ruin the surface!

  1. Testing the Colors

One of the house painting mistakes that people often make is not testing the colors on the walls before engaging in entire room painting. Colors that make look at first may not work best with the surface that you want to paint on. You also have to consider the colors that you want to paint on the opposite surface to see if the combinations work.

  1. Bad Spray Painting

Love spray painting and need room painting advice that will save your life? It’s simple, don’t forget to cover the surface that you do not wish to paint around the surface that you do. When it comes to spraying you can’t control every droplet and thus ensuring that you cover the unwanted surface with a plastic or cloth covering will certainly help you in interior painting.

  1. Deciding the Mood

Colors play an important part in deciding the mood of the room and as an experienced person in this department, I can vouch for this! If you think the bedroom should have a soothing mood then ensuring the colors you choose for the room painting should be soft, warm, and inviting like light pink, pale yellow, or warm blue!

  1. Ignoring the Lighting

Light has a lot of impact on the colors that you choose to paint. Ignoring the light in the room is one of the many rookie room painting mistakes as it can lead to a massive loss of money and time! If you have bright lights in the living room then applying a warm tone or shade of the paint is a better idea. Similarly, if the lighting is not that great, changing the colors will surely change the mood of the room!

So, there you have it! That was my personalized list of some of the most common room painting mistakes and how to avoid them. Hope the article was informative and you have a happy time painting the home.


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